• Dupont Roed posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago

    A couple’s massage can be a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions like Valentine’s Day, or it can be part your daily relaxing routine. Here are some helpful tips to prepare you for your scheduled appointment.

    Choose the Right Day and Time!

    Try not to schedule your deep tissue massage on a day which you’re already active or have other tasks scheduled. You’ll feel more relaxed when you begin your day by having a cup of tea or coffee before going to your bed. If a relaxing schedule isn’t possible make sure to schedule your massage in conjunction with other tasks you’ve scheduled. After a relaxing massage, there is no reason to complete any chores other than go to the grocery store.

    Clean Up!

    You’ll be getting the massage of a therapist so make sure to get as clean as you can before you go. You can take a bath prior to heading to the spa, or use spa facilities, such as a sauna or steam room. It’s not necessary to apply makeup or style your hair. Massage oils that are applied on your face or scalp during a head-and-neck massage can cause damage to your hair or make your hair look messy. You can save styling for later.

    Take Care of Your Food

    To fully enjoy the full enjoyment of your deep tissue massage experience It is recommended not to indulge in a large meal or numerous drinks beforehand. It will be uncomfortable to lay on your stomach to get massages on your legs and back when your stomach is bloated or overflowing. Avoid eating foods that are fried or with large sauces during lunch or breakfast, especially in the event of an afternoon massage. A high dose of caffeine can cause you to be stressed when you are having massage. You can feel satisfied however, not full eating a salad or drinking a glass of water with lemon. While a glass of champagne or wine is often part of a couples massage don’t overindulge because alcohol impairs the sensations of massage.

    Your Gadgets should be switched off!

    A body massage, is the perfect time to unwind, relax and establish a connection with your spouse. Stressful work emails, text messages from your friends, and cell phone games aren’t conducive to a relaxing. Screens that are brightly lit can stimulate your brain, which can distract you from your massage experience. Try turning off devices at least a day prior to your massage to fully awaken your senses for the experience.

    Be comfortable

    Particularly if it is your or your partner’s first massage experience, it’s important to be aware that your opinions and your comfort is crucial to the massage therapist. You are able to decide in advance if you would prefer to dress in underwear or take off all your clothing. It’s your choice but know you will be properly draped with blankets all the time. Think about if Couples Massage would prefer a female or male massage therapy , as most spas have a selection. Also, once the massage has begun you should let the therapist know if you feel the pressure is too hard or too soft. Massage therapists want to feel relaxed and content with the experience , but you will not know if there is something wrong when you don’t make a statement.

    These tips will allow you to relax and prepare for intimate couples massages. Contact us today to book yours!