• Bray Raynor posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    Imagine that you’ve received investment from investors and an opportunity to showcase your product to the world. Full of enthusiasm, you hire an engineering team to work on the first version. The time passes, and your money runs out. You have nothing to show your investors.

    Unfortunately, this is the norm for business owners working with inexperienced Python developers for the sake of saving costs. This could lead to increased costs, stress, and more fuss.

    How do you prevent it? Spare enough money to hire experienced Python developers. In this post, I’ll explain the best ways to employ skilled Python developers, what you need to be aware of, and how to avoid the most common mistakes business owners make.

    Python is a fantastic choice to build your next project.

    The purpose of the product its functional and non-functional requirements security, and other elements will all affect the choice of language for programming.

    Why should you think about Python for product development?

    According to the IEEE Spectrum in 2018, Python was the most used programming language. The report states that Python’s popularity has grown over the past few years. One reason for this is the large number of Python libraries for artificial intelligence and machine learning, the use of Python embedded versions in microcontrollers and its ability to perform big data analysis.

    What You Need to Know Before Recruiting a Developer

    To hire python developers is not an easy job. Before you begin rolling up your sleeves and going through CVs, you should be aware of exactly what you’re trying to find. Here are the main aspects you should keep in mind:

    The size of the project

    Before hiring Python developers, establish the scope of your project and the level of complexity. An outline should be written that outlines your product’s function along with the main benefits and users. It also needs to explain the potential size of the project. These aspects will determine the size of your team as well as the experience level of the engineers (junior to senior).

    Technical and functional features

    After you have decided on the nature of your project as well as the main objectives, create a list and discuss it with your tech leader. It is crucial to have a person with an expertise in technical fields in your team , who is responsible for technology management and debugging.

    Think about how you can expand your MVP project If you’re starting with a MVP. This will assist your tech team to create an outline of the product roadmap, establish the logic, and create a scalable architecture.

    What level is the product in?

    The stage of your project, the duration of your development and the size of your engineering team will determine the time it takes to build. For example, if you develop an MVP the size of your engineering team will be usually smaller than what you’d need for a complete or complex product.

    If you already have some functions and want to increase the size of the product you offer, it can take some time for developers to look at the project logic and architecture and examine the existing code.

    Each project is different. There is no single solution. Keep in mind what level your product is in and the complexity of your product when searching for engineers to join your team.

    Tech stack

    The tech stack, features and the overall complexity of your product will determine the level of expertise required by your engineers in addition to the tools they must be experienced in. If you are using a particular software program in your project It is crucial that the developer has some previous experience with it, so that they are able to start quickly.

    These aspects will assist you in determining the types of developer that you need, the number, and what kind of knowledge you require. These aspects can help you select the best development team, establish your budget and establish specific deadlines.


    You’re now ready to find Python developers on the next task. Hire Python Developer is to make time to gather requirements and create the test tasks. You’ll be able to build an honest and reliable team.