• Fitzsimmons Cunningham posted an update 1 year, 3 months ago

    We only include items that will help our readers. Even if rosemary oil isn’t suitable for your hair, you’ll learn about the benefits of rosemary for hair.

    Rosemary essential oil and hair

    Rosemary is a culinary as well as a medicinal herb. This woody perennial plant comes from the Mediterranean, where it has been eaten and used as medicine for a long time. Like oregano, peppermint, and cinnamon, rosemary is often sold as an essential oil. Essential oils are distilled extracts of volatile plant components that have been substantially condensed. They are employed in cooking, cleaning, cosmetics, health care, and other activities.

    You can frequently obtain and use rosemary essential oil as a home remedy. The oil’s health advantages include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and memory improvement. There have been rumors in recent years that the oil may be fantastic for hair growth. Some people say it can even stop hair loss. As proof, they point to the fact that Mediterranean cultures have used rosemary in hair rinses for hundreds of years to make hair grow.

    Can rosemary oil treat hair loss?

    The idea that rosemary oil boosts hair growth may have come from the fact that rosemary is generally good for our health. According to studies, the plant’s essential oil can:

    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Nerve growth
    • Improve inner circulation

    Rosemary essential oil stimulates circulation, much like peppermint essential oil (also used to encourage hair development). As a result, it might prevent the blood supply from being cut off to hair follicles, which would cause them to die and result in hair loss.

    In addition to promoting hair development, rosemary essential oil stops dandruff and early graying. A dry or itchy scalp may benefit as well.

    Do studies support the claims?

    Some scientific research suggests that rosemary may help with nerve tissue growth. In one study, the plant’s active component, carnosic acid, repaired damaged tissue and nerves. This ability to grow new nerve endings could also refresh nerves in the scalp, which could help hair grow again.

    Recent studies that are more revealing demonstrate that rosemary directly aids in hair loss prevention. In one study conducted in 2015, Rogaine-brand minoxidil was compared to essential oils. Both were applied to patients with androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). The results showed that rosemary essential oil was just as effective as minoxidil. It worked better than minoxidil to stop the itchy scalp, a side effect of the procedure.

    A different study showed that the rosemary leaf extract, not the essential oil, helped hair grow. This happened when testosterone caused hair loss (as in pattern baldness). However, mice were used in this study. Two different clinical reviews, one from 2010 and one from 2011, both agree that rosemary has the potential to help hair grow. The first one is about a study that showed that people with alopecia who used essential oils witnessed their hair grow back. Rosemary was one of these essential oils.

    The latter review referred to rosemary essential oil as a remedy for hair loss. This was because it improved circulation.

    How should I apply rosemary oil for hair loss?

    Here are some methods to restore and strengthen your hair using rosemary essential oil. To begin with, try any of these remedies once or twice a week. Use them more frequently when desired or after you’ve grown accustomed to using them.

    • Massage rosemary oil directly into your scalp

    After a bath or shower, massage your scalp evenly with 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and 1 teaspoon of carrier oil (e.g., jojoba oil or coconut oil). It’s not necessary to rinse the oil out afterward, but if you do, wait at least 5 to 10 minutes before doing so.

    • Mix it into shampoo

    This also holds true for creams, lotions, and conditioners. Only add a little and be safe. Limit the number of drops to five per ounce of product. Use the product as usual after that. When applying a dollop of any hair product on your hand before usage, you can add 2 to 3 drops directly to the product.

    • Add it to your homemade shampoo.

    Online, there are numerous recipes for shampoo bases. You can also include essential oils for their health and aesthetic benefits. These might contain a blend of coconut oil, baking soda, essential oils, and sometimes additional oils. Visit Tiny Apothecary and try this one.

    What should I know before I use rosemary oil?

    Keep essential oils out of your eyes. In the event of contact, immediately flush your eyes with cold water. The same caution applies to applying too much on your scalp. The essential oil of rosemary has been known to irritate the skin. Despite the possibility of discomfort, there are no health risks. To avoid skin inflammation, mix the oil with a carrier oil or other products before using it.

    Safely using rosemary essential oils while nursing or pregnant is not fully understood. Even though applying the essential oil topically is the only way to treat hair loss, you should exercise caution, as it is still unclear how it will work.

    The bottom line

    Many people have used rosemary successfully to boost hair growth. Using rosemary essential oil will have the same effect on you. Together, science and firsthand knowledge imply that essential oils guard against hair loss, mainly caused by male- or female-pattern baldness. It might even work well for alopecia. Rosemary essential oil is a straightforward home cure that might even be competitive with store-bought goods. Additionally, it has few adverse effects and is safe when used correctly.

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