• Hendricks Burris posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago

    If you would like to incorporate a significant injection of favor in your living area, the exposed brick look could be what exactly you’ll need. Though if you don’t have a ready-made interior wall to show, don’t be concerned – brick tiles can make a geniune try any space having to break the financial institution.

    An ideal choice in order to add character and texture to traditional and contemporary spaces alike, we’re talking next-level aesthetics here together with the inviting warmth that only clay brick brings.

    We love brick tiles – obviously carry out, we love bricks! Why if you undertake them over paint or wallpaper?

    What are brick tiles?

    Brick tiles (also called brick slips) are thin slices of brick which were cut from the standard-sized clay brick. Roughly 22mm thick, brick tiles maintain the appearance of a traditional brick and (once on your wall) are indistinguishable from other full-sized counterparts.

    Primarily utilized as an easy method of interior decoration, their inherant protective properties make brick tiles both heat and safe from nature’s elements – meaning they’re perfect for adding a place of inside-out flair on your home’s exterior too.

    Are they all so great?

    Where should we start? Is really a round-up with the advantages…

    1 They look AMAZING!

    Who doesn’t much like the timeless allure of exposed brickwork? Regardless of whether you want to add a component of industrial modernity for your lounge or even a touch of vintage glam in your kitchen, it instantly elevates the feel of your home.

    Brick tiles are an effective way to add clay brick accents to a kitchen, bathroom, fireplace or feature wall. And, used outside, they are a good way to highlight an outdoor patio or return a rendered wall to brickwork. To be honest, however, you go for brick tiles, the outcome will appear terrific.

    2 Easy to install

    One of the main causes of brick tiles’ new-found popularity is quick and easy installation. They can be put on any pre-existing interior and exterior wall, floor or surface – and, additionally, it is possible to install everything yourself!

    Conventional bricks are laid in mortar and stacked along with the other person. Brick tiles, however, have more in common with regular tiles with regards to installation. They’re honored a panel or applied straight to the top of a wall using glue or mortar. Simple!

    3 Tons of choice

    From minimalist modern facades to reclaimed-look tumbled tiles, your alternatives are wide ranging with brick tiles – if you’re looking to match a pre-existing standard brick wall or build a cosy retro locate a brand-new feature.

    And since brick tiles are cut from regular-sized bricks, they keep up with the same colour, shape and texture as their source material. With a range of colours from traditional reds to greys and browns and textures running from rough to worn or sleek and smooth, the number of choices are endless.

    4 Affordability

    Brick tiles are ideal for DIY projects as they are an easy task to install and cost-effective too. Although brick slips may cost more per unit than standard bricks, whenever you element in the savings on skilled labour and transportation costs it’s a win-win in the first place.

    Plus, by using brick tiles on the existing walls, you immediately prevent the labour and material expenses associated with preparing the room for traditional bricks, which need a much sturdier foundation.

    5 Space-saving style

    Saving space at your residence is essential – especially if you reside in a flat. Compared with adding a regular brick wall, brick tiles need a fraction of the room, meaning it can save you valuable floor area. Four walls with 20mm brick slips would utilise 80mm of living area; precisely the same design with new brick walls would need 480mm.

    6 Light and versatile

    Brick tiles can reduce delivery and transportation costs because they are lighter than traditional bricks. But their lightweight nature carries other benefits also – they may be attached to many different walls and surfaces, even those who are less foundationally sound.

    7 Easy to maintain

    When you have installed your brick tiles, maintaining them is easy. Unlike wood or vinyl, you should not use a protective coating – and you’ll paint them you might need the look you are heading for too. Plus, a straightforward dusting or scrubbing with warm water and detergent can have your brick tiles looking as good as new right away!

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